Thursday, July 29, 2010

leaving on a jet plane.

right now, my youngest sister, corinne, is packing her bags and getting ready for her trip back home to san antonio.

i have to admit i'm really, really sad she's leaving already.  i'm going to miss her a lot.  i feel like we had a bunch of good times this summer and we really got to know a little more about each other.  it's been a good long while since we "lived" together (i haven't really felt that i've "lived" at home since the summer before my senior year of high school, 3 years ago) and i think that this summer we've gotten much closer and bonded over exploring new orleans and working together and basically being together non-stop for about 3 months.

i've learned her dog is pretty freaking adorable, but also pretty freaking annoying at times.  and she's learned my boyfriend can be pretty freaking hilarious, but also pretty freaking annoying.  at times.  hehe.  we've been to bourbon street, cafe du monde and the french quarter.  we've explored the shopping malls and audobon aquarium.  we've been honked at and hollered at, stared at and just plain creeped out.  i taught her to play pool and use a fax machine.

we've laughed a lot.  and gotten annoyed with each other a lot. 

i'm going to miss her A LOT.

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