Thursday, August 12, 2010

last summer hurrah.

though the temperature has not budged from the high 90s in a few weeks, and i know it won't until at least mid-september (nor will it actually feel cool until late october), i feel as though this weekend is the last weekend of summer for me. 

i have an hour and a fifteen minutes left of work before the weekend starts and then i'll be heading back home to pack and get ready for my flight to san antonio tomorrow morning.  this weekend is the weekend my mom, sisters and grandma are all heading to rockport, tx (a quaint little fishing village 2 hours south of san antonio) for our annual "girls weekend" (while it's supposed to be girls only, we love for our cousin, justin, to join). 

after this very exciting weekend, however, i will have nothing to look forward to until ernest's birthday next month.  and thus, why i believe this is my last summer hurrah for 2010. 

i've had a great summer thus far, and thanks to everyone who's made it a special one!  my psi girls, my big, my parents and sisters (esp. corinne), and ernest's family (more on that later).

pictures from our annual girls trips:

Summer 2007

Summer 2009

Summer 2010

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