Thursday, October 21, 2010


i made ernest promise me when he was on his last detachment that we could go to a pumpkin patch, or maize maze, and pick out some pumpkins and have a good time.  well, as you all know, he was scheduled for a second detachment a couple of weeks after he got home from the last one.  so that didn't leave us a lot of time to get to a pumpkin patch. 

when we finally set aside a day to go, after he got out of work one saturday, we quickly discovered that the bigger pumpkin patches didn't open until after he would already be gone and the one corn maze we found was about an hour and a half away. 

so, we decided we would just go to one of the smaller pumpkin patches nearby and on monday we went to one at a church down the street from our apartment.  we picked out a large pumpkin, a medium sized pumpkin and a "baby" pumpkin.  one for ernest, one for me and one for riley!  :-)

ernest left this morning.  we had planned on carving our pumpkins before he left, but getting him ready for a 7 week trip took up more of our time than we expected.  so it didn't get done, and now i have to carve ernests's for him, which is why i don't have any pictures of our carved pumpkins yet.  as soon as i do, i'll post them up for y'all! 

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