Friday, October 15, 2010

it's friday!

wahoo!!!  today i am thankful for...

*well, FRIDAY, duh.  i've definitely been needing the weekend all week, this week.  doesn't seem like work is EVER going to slow down and my body does not like me at all right now.

*a honey who loves all my quirky little drawings, takes me to starbucks and makes me order for him (totally on the spot, too) and climbs into bed with me when i leave for a run and come back immediately one minute later because i just don't have it in me that day (and then offers to run w/me, even though i know he really doesn't want to)

*eggs.  because they fill me up in the mornings and make me feel strong.

*nashville.  because it's the place i dream about and want to explore most.

*friends that text me late at night to tell me that we HAVE TO go to CMAfest next summer.  no questions asked.  as if i would say no.  i love my girls so much! any millionaires want to adopt me so i can afford to go?

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