Monday, April 17, 2017


pull yourself up by the bootstraps, loves, and do the hard things.  i've found that success is infinitely sweeter when the journey is most-difficult.  that's not to say you should make your life harder for yourself (please, don't), but look those things you've put off for fear of failure in the eyes and don't back down.

this is where i'm at these days.  i realize i no longer have the advantage of restless youth (though i will always be restless, and i feel so very youthful) as a shield or a crutch, and it is now time to take on those things which have intimidated me for much of my twenties.  head-on and on my own, as the women i admire, and am a descendent of, are wont to do.

i feel a settling in my bones lately, (agin', it ain't easy) that tells me while i'll always be wild and open to adventure, i'm ready to be serious about my legacy, about how i spend my days as i get older, about how i get there.  so, i'm looking the hard things in the eyes, and telling myself i have to do them.  it's my time.

and if you know me, you know that patience was not a virtue bestowed upon the women of my lineage.  so suffice it to say that i cannot wait for what the universe sets before me as i embark on this path.

have a festive week, loves!

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