Friday, July 12, 2013

it's friday!!!

 colorful on my first day of work!

i know, i know.  it's been a long time.  in my defense it's been pretty busy around here.  first, there was ali's wedding.  then kat's.  then on monday i started my new job (i'm fairly certain i'm going to LOVE IT, btw).  and on thursday i started my 5 week summer class.  i'm so exhausted, i just really want to relax this weekend.  possibly catch up on reading my favorite blogs, and do a little blogging myself.  and maybe buy some pretty things, haha!

i still have bad days.  sometimes several in a row.  i'm hoping that all the good things going on in my life (such as the new job, volunteering with the ravens cheer squad again, football season, fall festivities coming up, and graduation in december) will help me so that i'm having more good days in a row than bad ones.  so far this summer, i've realized that my heart is still very much broken.  and i was trying to move on faster than i was really ready for.  so i've decided (after many heart-to-hearts with all of my bestest friends) that i really just want to focus on myself.  so that's my plan.  :)

expect some catch-up posts...weddings, vacation, etc.!  i may be busy, but i've been writing little things here and there, and i'm planning on sharing with y'all in the upcoming weeks.

so have a good weekend, y'all!  make sure you fit in some rest and relaxation!

just a few fun things i stumbled upon:
  • kat and her sister, jessica, introduced me and got me hooked on to paper source!  i love that place, and jessica was kind enough to buy me some pretty jane austen quote postcards for my birthday.  that sweet, sweet (fellow jane austen-lover) lady!
  • i just ordered this book.  i like that it has a connection to my alma mater, the university of rochester, in that it's set in rochester.  i also ordered this book.  i'm not really sure what drew me to it, but i'm excited to add to my (constantly growing) stack!
  • "they thought the bullets would silence us, but they failed.  and then, out of that silence, came thousands of voices." -malala yousafzai - such an inspiration!
  • these foodhugger things are pretty nifty!  i hate when my veggies go bad!
  • love this!  it definitely applies to all of my best friends.
  • this "disney dudez" video is equal parts adorable and hilarious.
  • people really do talk a lot of trash about millennials!
  • i love this phone cover!  maybe it's time for me to buy a new phone...? (i have an iphone 4s)
  • yeah, i'm newly obsessed with chicago fire.  hot firefighters, just the right kind/amount of drama.  :)

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