Monday, May 13, 2013

happy (belated) mother's day!

yesterday was mother's day.  i had planned on blogging a little something, but i got distracted by my family coming over and the spurs game and having a grand time with the people i love.  so, here's a belated post on why my momma is the best!

1.  when i saw lola in the front yard, she was the one who ran outside to rescue her.  my mom has the biggest heart.

2.  she's always been incredibly supportive.  she's never tried to push me to be something i'm not.  she's always been a shoulder for me to cry on, and she's never forced me to talk to her about anything i'm not comfortable talking about.

3.  she fostered my love of reading and writing.  without her this little baby blog of mine might not exist!

4.  she gave me two amazing little sisters.  i couldn't live without those girls, and i've always been thankful that she and my dad didn't want me to be an only child.

5.  the woman is hilarious.  and smart.  and sarcastic.  and innovative.  she pushes boundaries, and encourages my sisters and i to do the same.

in all honesty, my mom is my hero.  i look up to her and all the other incredible women in my family, and their strength never ceases to amaze me.  

love ya, momma!  hope you had an amazing mother's day.  :)


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