Monday, May 2, 2011

e pluribus unum.

the whole incident is incredibly surreal.  one moment i'm lying across ernest's lap, on the loveseat with Princess nestled between us, and Riley lying at ernest's feet, having just enjoyed a delicious steak grilled by ernest and watching the latest episode of "swamp people".  and all of a sudden puck says, "i think osama bin laden is dead," and we are constantly refreshing our browsers, waiting for official confirmation.

obviously, i'm proud of the special forces team that risked their lives.  and i'm proud of the president who will be the face of this moment for now and always.  i'm happy for the men and women who stepped up after the attacks almost ten years ago, and took an oath to serve and protect their country against terrorism (and the ones who have been serving since before that fateful day).  and i feel relief for the americans who have lost their loved ones to terrorism (and for all americans).  

but, wow.  what a moment. 

i was 15 years old on september 11, 2001.  i remember watching the coverage and crying.  crying for days and days and days.  i knew military back then.  and american pride and love for country.  those feelings and that knowledge has only grown in the (almost) ten years since that day. 

i am not the only one.  my hope is that this incident brings our country closer together and we remember that we are all AMERICANS.  whether we be rich or poor, democrat or republican, minority or majority...we are all ONE.

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